"Go Royals! Go forth to serve well. Return with honor!

"Go Royals!  Go forth to serve well.  Return with honor!
This family photo is from August 2003, just before Brad left on his mission to the Philippines, but it remains a personal favorite

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Our clan . . . just barely pre Benson and Monroe
(Sing well and swell to Jingle Bells)

 Read the news of Royal dudes,
Christmas time is here.
Oh what fun it is to write,
Of things we love to cheer - HEY!
Read the news, if you choose,
Lots we can relay.
Living in our super clan,
Is more than just okay.

Mike and Maralea,
Enjoy their family.
They love to watch it grow,
And take photos as they go.
So, once a year they post,
Of things they love the most,
Throughout the year with pictures clear,
And give a hearty toast.

So, read the news, shed the blues,
There’s so much to tell.
Three new cuties joined our crew,
Which we just think is swell - HEY!
Read the news, as we muse,
Time to end this song,
‘Cause if we cover everything,
It’ll truly be too long.

Merry Christmas

Beckham's baptism in September (with Benson and Monroe having arrived)
            Here we go again, with another Royal family Christmas letter.  We’ll try to make this introduction short (or at least shorter) and get . . . more quickly . . . to the pictures.  As we just sang so well, we are very grateful to have welcomed three more grandchildren into the world in 2019 - Reese, Benson and Monroe (in that awesome order), as little Kai (born in mid-2018) turned one and is now walking/running like a champ.  It is really sweet watching our children serve as parents to their own children.  We don’t know where the time has gone, but words from Chicago’s Beginnings come to mind: “Time passes much too quickly, when we’re together laughing . . . .” 
We loved cheering on
the Cougs at Tenn

            With three of our four children and their families residing in Utah, gatherings are especially priceless to us.  Other than three newborns, we had some other important milestones in 2019, such as our first family grandchild baptism (Beckham) - with 
another expected in 2020 (Royal).  It is thrilling for us to see these sweet little ones choosing to follow the Savior.  We had a Las Vegas family reunion in July, and enjoyed our BYU football game travel in the fall - especially that overtime win in Tennessee.  Oh yes, Maralea and I got to see Paul McCartney in Vegas (the last time we saw him in concert was at the Silver Bowl in April 1993).

            At this time of year, as we take a moment to reflect, we remember the Savior’s love for the little children and his words to grateful parents: “Behold your little ones.”  (3 Nephi 17:23.)  We are truly in awe of the things we have been so blessed to behold as we enter our Golden Years.  Below is a review of our respective Royal family crews.

Sign of the times

Brad, Whitney, Beckham, Zoe and Kai

A Harry Potter Halloween
            This was a year of upgrades and renovation of their home.  Whitney donned her contractor hat and rebuilt the family’s entire kitchen in 2019 (although Brad assisted in a journeyman-like capacity).  Whitney has been working part-time at a Ampellis and also works with a professor with the BYU MBA Program (which means Whitney also now has attained another lifetime achievement - having received a BYU A-Lot parking permit).  Brad had some personal upgrades, hitting a high water mark 2019 by obtaining his third elbow surgery (he only needs one more until he gets a free one).  Brad is still chugging along at Qualtrics, and loves his work.

Beckham and Zoe show Kai the way of the Cougars

            Beckham got to play a role in the family home renovation in 2019 as the Wreck-It Ralph demo guy (he especially enjoyed taking out the stair rails).  Beckham was baptized in September, which was pretty awesome, as his entire family was present for the celebration.  Beckham excels in school and loves to play all sports (although he hasn’t yet tried cricket or curling).  Zoe is great at rock climbing and changed her favorite color several times in 2019 (it used to be pink - and by now it may be back to that again).  Zoe loves to swim and especially loves being a big sister to Kai, who turned one in July and now runs everywhere.  Kai has a special knack for avoiding toys in favor of playing with whatever Mommy and Daddy don’t want him to have.  Kai is also great at smiling. 

Banff, Canada is a pretty cool place to visit
            The family enjoyed 2019 road trips to Banff (Canada), San Diego, Idaho and Las Vegas, and cheered on the BYU Cougars together against Idaho State (which included - but was not limited to - the sweet consumption of Cougartails, popcorn and chocolate milk).  Brad recently took a day off to go snowboarding and had this exchange with Zoe:

            Zoe:     Dad, where are you going?  Don't you have work today?
            Brad:   I'm going snowboarding instead.
            Zoe:     Did you let your work know?  Don't you have to go in to make money?  Is snowboarding your job now?
Skydiving is not snowboarding, but we're pretty sure Brad was not working when he left a perfectly good airplane (seen above)
Craig, Kelli, Royal, Finley and Monroe
This herd was found quietly roaming within its natural desert habitat
Baby Roe has locks of hair
            Monroe (aka Baby Roe) was welcomed into the family in May 2019.  Monroe was born with a mass of hair and loves to smile.  She will stare you down until your eyes meet and then give you the biggest smile.  Monroe just learned to sit up and now has two bottom teeth!  She’s super protected and loved by her older brothers and her mama loves to dress her up.  (She is even starting to wear some of the actual dresses Kelli wore back in 1987-88, which Maralea saved for some reason.)  Monroe is a bright ray of light in the family.

           Finley has a need for speed and can maneuver a wiggle car like a future NASCAR champ.  Finley loves to laugh and sing.  He especially loves trains, his ABC’s and 123's.  (He also very much loves Paw Patrol and Mickey and the Roadster Racers.)  Finley is a wrecking ball of energy and tells his mommy he loves her all throughout the day.  Finley loves to snuggle and runs to the garage when he hears the automatic door open signifying “Daddy’s home.”

A visit to In 'N Out always brings the smiles out
            Royal is enjoying second grade.  He loves to read and beat Papa at card games.  Royal enjoys playing soccer and is about to begin his second season of flag football.  Royal plays on teams with a bunch of boys in his ward and they have a blast jumping from sport to sport together. Royal loves school, but if you ask him about his favorite subject, he’ll likely respond: “Recess!” He’s such a great big brother, has such a big heart, and is looking forward to his baptism in March.

            You’d think that bringing a baby into the world in 2019 would be enough for Kelli, but there’s much more to this mother of three.  She presently serves as the primary chorister in her ward and successfully completed directing a big primary program in November (nailed it!).  (Poor Kelli was super stressed and overwhelmed, having only been in her new position for two months earlier, but it was truly a stellar performance.)  Kelli loves doing hair stuff.  But, Kelli really thrives as a wife and mother - and is especially excited to have another girl in the family.  (She sometimes gets in trouble for buying too many ribbons and bows for Monroe.)  Craig loves his work at Solomon Dwiggins & Freer, and excels as Mr. Fix It at home, tackling a lot of projects in 2019, including building an entertainment center, designing and installing the backyard (which includes a cool built-in fire pit with a planter), touching up the paint every few months from the boys’ crazy play, etc.  Craig loves to play with the kids and belt out songs throughout the house.  He serves as the ward clerk which keeps him quite busy on Sundays.
Monroe's birthday!
David, Kambria, Aubrey Macie and Benson
For Halloween, this group dressed as The Oz-monds

Benson couch lounging
            David and Kambria’s big news for 2019 was an addition in the family - their first boy, Benson, in March.  He’s a big, lean/Michelin Tire like machine - and his big sisters love taking care of him.  Their family also moved into a new home in Riverton, UT over the summer, where they have a huge backyard with lots of grass to mow, a big trampoline to jump on, their church building is a 30 second walk away, and their neighborhood is filled with young families and little children who want to be friends.  The girls are in heaven.  Benson is now rolling over and is close to crawling and sitting up on his own.  He is a good eater and sleeper. 

            Macie is three - almost four - and loves dressing as a princess.  She also loves playing with her dolls, and is great at roping anyone and everyone into playing with her.  Macie started a dance class and asks her mommy each morning if that day is a dance day.  If so, she leaps with glee.  If not, poor Macie is distraught and tears follow.  The best remedy is to dress her up in her dancing clothes and turn on Leap so Macie can stand in front of the television and dance along with her latest animated hero.
Aubrey and Macie love pretty princess dresses
            Aubrey is in the first grade and loves taking the bus to school with neighborhood friends.  She loves to color and draw pictures of her favorite people.  Aubrey is a great reader and bedtime storytime now includes Aubrey reading stories aloud to her little sister.  She is thrilled to have so many friends in the neighborhood to play with.  Aubrey learned how to ride a bike without ever using training wheels and loves riding up and down the street, followed by Macie on her scooter.  She had an awesome neighborhood birthday party with a blow-up slide and bouncy house.  The worst part of Aubrey’s birthday was when the party ended, but then her dad played on the water slide with her and Macie . . . until someone got hurt and started to cry (ha).

            Kambria has enjoyed the challenged of getting the family settled into a new home while taking care of her two girls and their little baby brother.  She appreciates the help from David and the girls.  Kambria remains very busy as a wife, mother and chauffeur.  She was recently called to serve as the Compassionate Service representative in the ward Relief Society, which keeps her even busier!  David loves his job at Visible Equity and this year took on a new role in the company as a product development manager.  David has had his hands full with home projects as the family has gradually settled into their lovely new home.  David teaches in the primary (Macie’s class) and enjoys the challenge of finding a way to handle a herd of three-year-olds for an hour each Sunday. 
Benson's birthday!
Jordan, Ashlee and Reese
Jordan and Ashlee thrived by adding honey to the hive
             Jordan and Ashlee became parents in January by welcoming Reese Anberlin into the world.  That one little added ingredient into this Royal family ushered in quite a few lifestyle changes as Jordan and Ashlee became full time parents and had to deal with the ongoing effect of sleep deprivation.  The family enjoyed a vacation in Island Park, ID in the early summer and got to visit Yellowstone National Park, where they enjoyed the bear necessities of their first big trip as a family. 

Reese with her winning smile
            Reese won first place in the Cutest Baby in Lehi contest during the Lehi Roundup Week, which provided Jordan and Ashlee with the honor of pushing Reese in her stroller down main street during a parade.  (Yay for cute babies!)  Reese learned to crawl in September, began pulling herself up to her feet in October, and took her first steps on November 18, 2019.  (Oh boy, Mommy and Daddy are going to have problems keeping Reese away from the family Christmas decorations!  She is focused and relentless (ha).)

Reese is mega mobile
            Ashlee began teaching piano lessons in the summer, which has been a lot of fun.  Jordan started a new job at LendingClub and has enjoyed the challenge.  Jordan also enrolled in an MBA program through Western Governors University in July, which he hopes to complete by the end of 2020.  So, 2019 was a year of big change for Jordan and Ashlee, but they have loved moving through the challenges of life together as new parents.
Reese's birthday!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

            The late President Thomas S. Monson, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, stated the following in December 2011: “There is no better time than now, this very Christmas season, for all of us to rededicate ourselves to the principles taught by Jesus Christ.”  He added: “Christmas is what we make of it.  Despite all the distractions, we can see to it that Christ is at the center of our celebration.  If we have not already done so, we can establish Christmas traditions for ourselves and for our families which will help us capture and keep the spirit of Christ.”  So perfectly stated.
At Mom's gravesite on Mother's Day - she always loved our Christmas letters
            December is a wonderful opportunity to take a break, review the year, and count blessings one by one.  When we do so, miracles are discovered everywhere as we see God’s hand in so many life events.  Our Heavenly Father truly loves us all.  He and Our Savior know each of us better than we will ever know ourselves in this life, and their desire is for us to travel on the path of love and happiness, to be Their hands in uplifting and blessing others every day of our lives.  We are thankful for so much peace in a world filled with turmoil and commotion.  Here’s to a Royally Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

            With love, Michael and Maralea
Beckham's baptism weekend
Aubrey is cool with the Utah cold

Aubrey's Valentine's note
Who cares if it's cold outside - we can still go swimming
Macie hiking to the pool

Beckham gets some in-game pointers from Coach Dad
Zoe loves her Valentine's goggles
Finley patiently waits for Papa to put batteries in his train
No worries, Royal had his phasers on stun
We love having Dad stop by for dinner
Aubrey and Macie are ready to play with Nana and Papa's arrival
Zoe is especially happy for some lunch at JCW's

The best part about Nana and Papa staying in hotels is doing swimming pool stuff
Kambria and Kelli introduced Benson and Monroe before they began their world tour
Kai is Lord of the Rings

Jordan and Ashlee wrap Reese in a purple blanket and lots of love

Hanging out at the BYU spring football game
Cousin arcade time

Three new Royal moms in 2019
David supervises some cousin trampoline time
Some day my prince will come

Reese's baby blessing - as we still awaited the arrival of Benson and Monroe
Benson is introduced to extended family
Reese meets cousins Zoe, Macie and Beckham
Finley didn't realize that big people have Wiggle Cars, too

Papa's Angels

Kai gets some Daddy time

Maralea & Kelli on Mother's Day

The 2019 Quad Squad

Maralea & Christina

A summer visit from these three youngins

Finley loves the firetruck at Nana and Papa's

Post-Pizza at the Pie (Macie was in Sleeping Beauty mode)

Taking this picture was surprisingly easier than actually having to help David move this piano

We kept a close eye on these three

Stopped for a swim at Aunt Allison and Uncle Greg's place in LV

Beckham is toasty

Zoe sizes up Kai

Backyard playtime

We paid a visit to Sir Paul McCartney

Benson's blessing day

Aubrey on the rocks

Beckham and Zoe love the Dodgers

Finley & Macie enjoy the view

Papa takes a picture of the older six just for kicks

Kelli and Kambria chill by the pool
Royal digs for clams

Ashlee and Reese

Knights at the roundtable

David and Macie relax in the lazy river

Monroe thinks summer tubing is the way to go

Ready to get wet (check that - Monroe is ready for a nap)

Could Reese possibly get any more chill?

Beckham is like an under water otter

Kai's hat is all that


David's new gas saving compact vehicle

Monroe's baby blessing

Who's up for some Corn Hole?

Family reunion water rocket launch pad

Zoe multitasks by smiling while biting

The Brad and Whitney gang, leaving Las Vegas - after the family reunion

Reese is dressed for great success

On our stairway in heaven surrounded by these seven

Reese's hat of many colors

The bearded Finley

Maralea and I celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Royal family sealing in the Oakland Temple (June 21, 1969)

Who do you think really got to blow out Papa's sweet birthday candles?

Aubrey and Macie like building tall towers and knocking them down

Pretty in Pink
BYU/Utah game (before the rain and the pain)

Beckham passes his bar exam

Kai prefers to go high

Zoe gets the gist of the summer playground cooling mist

Aubrey likes shake sharing

Seeking greater heights in Gatlinburg, TN

Winner, winner - just had dinner

BYU overtime win over USC

Still at the BYU/USC game
Maralea loves Cosmo 

Finley can fall asleep any way/anywhere he wants

Kai is a pizza/swimming kinda gAdd caption

Cousin swim party

With Grandma Kelly at family reunion

Four generations

Kai is cagey

Benson's first Kelly reunion

Oh these girls - you never know what's gonna happen when the camera comes out

Papa, have you tried this ice cream stuff?

Beckham both smiles and dresses for success

Reese and Benson enjoy prime cousin time

With some of our Eugene besties

Papa shows Macie how to properly pose for a family picture

Monroe smiles a lot

Reese smiles a lot, too
The family guys

Nana with grandchildren on a rocky road

We found Gloria in Florida

We also found a parachute in Florida

Clearwater, FL (pretty sure we got a parking ticket just as this was being taken)

Monroe is aglow with her pretty red bow

Aubrey and Macie love hanging out

Royal and Finley are jammy scary

Papa and Benson wait to be seated for dinner
Kai Potter

At the Gould wedding reception

David and Benson are all smiles at dinner time
Aubrey doesn't take Papa's guff

Macie being a bit nosey

BYU football game selfie

Aubrey sends a text to her daddy from Nana's phone

Beckham and Zoe look good in BYU blue

Kai is still a binky liking guy

Last BYU home game (it was actually a royal blue jersey day, but Papa didn't get the memo)

Four Royal generations with Great Grandpa Royal

Reunited with this great group for an evening was awesome
Aubrey takes control of the car (a sign of things to come?)

Finley sees clearly to operate his bikey

Nana takes a moment with Macie and Monroe

Cousins in Papa's truck

Aubrey is ready for Thanksgiving Day football

Grandkids for Thanksgiving

Monroe and Benson with some cousin rug rat time

Reese and Monroe with some dueling snack time


Friedel family buys some chicken and sheep at the Giving Machine

Three generations of white winter coats
Zoe loves to climb

Beckham can't wait to skate

Kai loves treats
Royal gets his kicks playing soccer
Finley likes walking through the Nevada desert

Monroe is cool with just hanging out in the Nevada desert
Benson totally gets Papa's joke
Any time is prime swim time for this waterbug
Aubrey is learning piano from her mother

Reese is all in as a future Cougar
An early 2019 cousin sleepover with Nana and Papa

Dad's 85th birthday picture - take one
Dad's 85th birthday picture - take two

Dad's 85th birthday picture - take three (that's a wrap)

A Kelly family reunion

Dad meets Reese

Finley found our old Pinewood Derby cars and was intrigued

Macie is as surprised as Papa
Maralea really lights up a room

Aubrey and Macie have loved being big sisters
These Royals said goodbye to their Murray home
Reppin' at picnic with Beckham
Beckham and Zoe always find time to play
We went on a train and bumped into this guy and his wife
(Finley knew right what to do when he saw Santa: "Paw Patrol!  Paw Patrol!  I want Paw Patrol!"  Santa got the message loud and clear.)

Kelli directs the children singing Christmas carols at her ward party

I wanted to see what it was like to be "Elf" and Santa was totally cool with it
Merry Christmas to all!
(Maralea decorated this herself - because I cracked a rib playing football with the boys on Thanksgiving Day - but isn't it awesome?)

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